Express Library Begins August 16th, 2021

The library is not available for browsing.  Check out our catalog to reserve materials on the website. Or, the staff can select materials for you, based on your reading history. You can also request exact titles, authors or genres. Library cards are required to reserve items. Newspapers and Magazines are available for checkout. Materials will be checked out and placed in the 7th Street entry.  Please allow at least an hour.

Additional Services

Enter the library for a new card or renewal. Call for to find out what to bring for identification.

· Computers are available for those seeking jobs, education or  government benefits.

· Send up copies/fax in the elevator.

· Send printing to

The Wi-fi password is 5803364721; Wi-Fi is available outside the building.

Contact Us

Upstairs for Adult or Teen 580-336-4721

Downstairs for the Children’s Department 580-336-7300